KSU Dropbox

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I keep promising to setup a dropbox so that you can submit your beautiful, professional photographs of your first project. For anything three-dimensional, you should shoot at least one overall shot and at the very least one detail. Typically I will shoot forty or fifty pictures in different lighting, different angles, and different colored backdrops to find the one or two overall shots that I am really satisfied with. Same for the details. You cannot shoot too many pictures. I frequently take a look at my first round blown up full screen and only then have a crystal clear idea of the actual shot that I want so I go back and shoot it all again.

Crop! You should certainly crop out any view of the edge, top, or bottom of the background paper. Your work should take up at least 75% of the image space. Shooting a vertical piece with a big horizontal frame will result in vast seas of nothing to the left and right of your work making it seem puny and distant. Turn the camera and make the work fill up the window. Don’t crop off any part of the work and give a little bit of space for the work to breathe, but not too much. We don’t want it smashed into a box by the picture frame and we don’t want it floating in empty space. Feel it out and crop down that extra space.

Rename your image! Do NOT submit an image with a camera-generated title of gibberish code and do NOT submit an image titled “sculpture.jpg” or titled “prosthetic.png”. Save as either a JPEG or a PNG. Do not submit a photoshop file. (jpg. vs. png) Not to me or to any instructor ever. Put your first and last name in the image title. Firstname_Lastname_title.jpg.   Mine would be mark_schatz_prosthetic.jpg. Get it? Soooo helpful. I have been on review boards that will automatically disqualify your submission if you didn’t follow image title instructions without ever opening the files. It’s important!

Resize your images! Giant high resolution images will take forever to upload or download and sometimes won’t load successfully at all. Resize so that the max dimension is 1024 pixels. This is high quality but a reasonable size. No one image should be over a Megabite (MB). Not sure how to do it? Google it. There are a million instructions on how to do this very common task. Everybody working with images in any way needs to be able to resize their images so you might as well learn it.

Here is the dropbox. The password is “drop”

Please submit:

  • 1-2 overall images of Prosthetic Aesthetic
  • 1-3 detail images of Prosthetic Aesthetic

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